About Us
“Jesus Christ our Lord gave Himself as a ransom to all. He paid the price through His finished work on the cross at Calvary for all who would believe. He did this so that the sins of all mankind would be forgiven.
What a wonderful, Gracious God who would give Himself for an unbelieving world. It is for that very reason that we exist as a people and as a church. Never being able to repay that debt but rather, through The Holy Spirit, being obedient in sharing that glorious truth of our Loving God and the free gift of eternal life He offers to all who would believe. Our prayer is that you would know Him, know His Steadfast Love and grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus through the washing of His Word in order to live the life of Joy that He promises.”
Jason Thorpe
Pastor of Calvary Chapel Woolacombe
Statement of Faith
Calvary Chapel believes that The Trinity is One God: God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son and The Holy Spirit.
We believe in God Almighty
We believe that God is the One who created the universe, our Heavenly Father, Abba.
We believe God is all-knowing and all-powerful. We believe God is present in all places, at all times. He is the beginning and the end. There is nothing that can exist without God.
God Almighty, who provides for us, heals us and gives us peace, deserves all glory and honour.
God is all-loving and intends us to inherit the good things He has made.
But when we look around, we can see the consequences of our separation from the love of God. No one has ever lived a perfect life, and so no one is able to be in a truly peaceful relationship with God. No one, except for Jesus…
We believe in Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus is the physical incarnation of God and was miraculously born of a virgin. As both God and a man, Jesus’ life was blameless, a perfect model of what it means to be like God.
God loved the world so much, that He came as Jesus- not to condemn us for our sin- but to release humanity.
But the story of Jesus does not end in death. Jesus came back to life and then returned to an eternal existence with God.
When we believe that Jesus died for us to bring us into a peaceful relationship with God, we are forgiven, we are released into the fullness of a life with God and we will be reunited with God when we die.
We believe in The Holy Spirit
When Jesus’ time on earth ended, He didn’t leave us to figure life out alone. He gave us The Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the one who guides us, teaches us, challenges us, prompts us and comforts us so we can become more like God.
We are all given gifts and characteristics that deepen our relationship with God and with each other. We believe that these gifts of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, discernment, tongues and interpretation of tongues are given by The Holy Spirit for us, today.
We believe in the Word of God
God draws us into peaceful relationship with Him through the Bible. This is the Word of God. This historical manuscript recounts the lives of people who have experienced God and reveals to us who God is.
We believe that the truths of the Bible stand for all time, for all people, in all places. We want to dig into these truths, to get to know them and live by them.
The Bible gives us wisdom, counsel and instruction, as well as comfort and encouragement.
We believe in the power of prayer
We believe that prayer is powerful.
Prayer strengthens our relationship with Him. We believe that God hears our prayers and that He is able to answer them.
Praying together changes us and praying for each other is a way we can love one another. Prayer brings us closer to each other and closer to God, so we become more like Him.