About Us

“Jesus Christ our Lord gave Himself as a ransom to all.  He paid the price through His finished work on the cross at Calvary for all who would believe. He did this so that the sins of all mankind would be forgiven.

What a wonderful, Gracious God who would give Himself for an unbelieving world.  It is for that very reason that we exist as a people and as a church.  Never being able to repay that debt but rather, through The Holy Spirit, being obedient in sharing that glorious truth of our Loving God and the free gift of eternal life He offers to all who would believe.  Our prayer is that you would know Him, know His Steadfast Love and grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus through the washing of His Word in order to live the life of Joy that He promises.”

Jason Thorpe - Pastor

Jason Thorpe

Pastor of Calvary Chapel Woolacombe

Statement of Faith

Calvary Chapel believes that The Trinity is One God: God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son and The Holy Spirit.

What’s on this week?

19 Feb


Home group

Simon and Sarah’s or Chris and Emily’s

7.45pm – 9.30pm

21 Feb


Early morning prayer

Ilfracombe harbour

7.00am – 7.45am

Youth club

Calvary Chapel Woolacombe

6.00pm – 10.00pm

School years 3-7 run from 6.00pm – 7.30pm on the second and fourth Friday of every month. School years 7-11 run from 8.00pm – 10.00pm every Friday.